During our time in Tula and San Francisco, we had the sweetest group of ladies who cooked and served us three meals each day. In the past, we have always given gifts to the pastors' wives of the mission churches where we serve. However, the time we wanted to do something for all of the ladies. Early on in the week, one of the ladies from San Francisco said that she really liked the bags we were using to transport our craft supplies back and forth each day. She asked if she could buy one of the bags at the end of the week. *Keep in mind that the people in this village have next to nothing.* We soon found out that all of the women had been admiring the bags, but we knew there was absolutely no way we were going to accept any money for these bags. Instead, we filled the bags with goodies -- lotions, soaps, wash cloths, snacks, etc. -- for our new friends. There were 16 ladies who had served us throughout the week, and we had brought 16 bags with us. Imagine that...just enough!!! We had plans to pass the bags out to our new friends on the last day.
We knew they would love the gifts, but it just wasn't enough. We wanted to do more. We decided to serve them by washing their freet. I can't describe just how special this time was to all of us. You see, years agho my youth pastor washed the feet of our youth leadership team. It completely redefined servanthood for me. It was beautiful to see him kneeling down at our feet, loving us and serving us in a way he never had before. I had read the story in the Bible of Jesus washing his disciples' feet, but to see it right in front of me was completely life-changing! So as we spent those frew sweet moments with the beautiful women of San Francisco, reading God's Word, singing, praying, weeping, and loving on each other, I was reminded just how beautiful are the feet of those who bring God News. I will never forget that moment, for it was by far the most amazing thing I have ever done in the mission field.